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Contrato de assinatura

Ethics and Integrity

At Laforma Engenharia, integrity and Ethics are fundamental to our success. We are dedicated to maintaining the highest ethical and legal standards in all of our operations.

Laforma Engenharia Compliance Policy


Laforma Engineering is committed to integrity, ethics, and legal compliance in all its operations. This policy sets out the guidelines and procedures to be followed by employees, partners, and suppliers to ensure adherence to applicable laws, regulations, and ethical standards.


The objective of this policy is to prevent, detect, and correct illegal or unethical practices, promoting a culture of transparency and accountability.


This policy applies to all employees of Laforma Engineering, including directors, managers, contractors, interns, and any other persons representing the company. It also includes business partners, suppliers, and service providers.

Legal Compliance

Everyone must strictly observe the laws and regulations relevant to the company's activities.

Integrity and Ethics

All are expected to act with integrity and ethics in all their professional interactions, avoiding conflicts of interest and promoting transparency.

Respectful Work Environment

Laforma Engineering is committed to maintaining an inclusive and respectful work environment, free from discrimination, harassment, and abuse.

Confidentiality and Data Protection

Employees must protect the confidentiality of company and client information and comply with data protection laws.

Conflicts of Interest

Employees must avoid situations where their personal interests might conflict with the company's interests. Any potential conflict must be immediately reported to the compliance department.

Gifts and Hospitality

It is prohibited to accept or offer gifts, payments, or other benefits that might influence or appear to influence business decisions. Exceptions must be approved by the compliance department.

Anti-Corruption and Bribery

Laforma Engineering adopts a zero-tolerance policy towards corruption and bribery. No employee shall, directly or indirectly, offer, promise, give, or accept bribes.

Conduct with Clients and Suppliers

The company must treat all clients and suppliers fairly and honestly, avoiding deceptive or unethical practices.

Training and Communication

Laforma Engineering will provide regular compliance training to all employees, ensuring they are aware of their responsibilities and the company’s policies. Communication on compliance will be clear and ongoing, promoting a culture of compliance.


For questions or more information about this policy, please contact the Laforma Engineering compliance department.

Implementing this compliance policy is fundamental to ensuring that Laforma Engineering operates with the highest standards of ethics and legality, protecting the integrity and reputation of the company.

© 2024 Laforma Engenharia. All rights reserved.

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